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Mother's Day Gifts

Writer's picture: KimKim

When the U.S. version of Mother’s Day was established in 1908, it wasn’t supposed to be all about cards, flowers and gifts. It was supposed to be about honoring mothers. The card industry, followed by the floral industry and eventually others, created the demand for honoring mom with gifts worthy of her sacrifices to be your mom. How do you place a value on what mom has done for you? Come on, the pressure on you, as the giver, is huge! What do you do? If you’re too extravagant, mom will tell you that you shouldn’t have. Too cheap and you feel like an idiot, especially if your brother/sister got it exactly right. Card and flowers just aren’t special enough, so you start Googling…gifts for mom, top ten Mother’s Day gifts, what to get mom…anything for inspiration!

So, while you were searching, you found yourself on the Be Well Massage & Skin Care website. You could have landed anywhere, but here you are. Welcome. We’re happy to have you. Let me tell you what to expect if you choose to purchase your gift from us.

You may think that you’re simply buying a service that will be a treat. We promise that it will be a treat. It will be a treat and a lot more! Massage can address physical distress and provide relief from discomfort and stress. Facials can address skin problems and provide hydration to over stressed skin. Both are excellent ways to treat mom to a gift she might not give herself.

When mom makes her appointment, she’ll be provided with a follow up questionnaire asking some basic questions about general health and well-being, any problem areas to be addressed and any concerns she might have. Her responses will help us craft the best massage or facial to meet her needs so that your gift is even more special.

Once mom has her appointment, we’ll send out a reminder 24 hours before-hand so that she doesn’t miss out on her experience. On the day of her appointment, she will be greeted by her therapist and invited into one of our well-appointed treatment rooms. Her therapist or aesthetician will have read through her completed questionnaire and may ask some follow up questions and have some suggestions for how mom might best enjoy her time with us.

When mom is in our hands, she is off duty. We always suggest that phones be turned off and put away and do our best to eliminate distractions. This down time is part of the restorative effect your gift gives her. Once we are settled and the treatment has begun, the conversation or lack thereof will be controlled by mom. If she wants to talk, we are more than happy to participate. If she stops talking, so do we. We’ll check in as our time together passes, asking “How does this feel?” or “Is this okay?”, but otherwise we take our cues from our client.

At the end of our time together, we’ll leave mom to dress and give her some time to come back into the real world before having her join us at the front desk. We’ll offer water and a little chocolate if our bowl hasn’t been emptied! Ultimately, our goal is to have each client leave us relaxed, renewed and restored no matter which treatment they select. Mom may think that is exactly what your gift did for her, but you’ll have given her more than even she realizes when she walks out our door. Our clients tell us that they enjoy a bit more energy, they may move a bit easier, their sleep is more restorative, and their stress levels are reduced because of their time with us.

There you have it. What are you waiting for? Give us a call. We'll get that gift card out as soon as we hear from you!


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